Not you specifically. Me. Some ago I went to a County meeting about well water and septic. Most of the county supervisors were there. We are on well water and septic so the proposed regulations would affect us. It was informative and scary, with some of the regulations on the table potentially costing homeowners $100,000 or more. That’s not a typo.
County groundwater had been found to be contaminated by feces and one proposed regulation was of septic systems, particularly old ones that are not up to modern standards. Which is where that eye-popping figure comes in. Engineering is expensive.
I am in favor of clean water but there’s not many homeowners who have $100K lying around for that kind of work. So, you know, there has to be a plan for this, and I was concerned there didn’t seem to be one.
Afterward, I spoke personally with one of the supervisors who was extremely knowledgeable about the impact on agriculture and dairies. My county is world famous for both, and I learned quite a bit about bizarre zoning laws etc. I mean, he had a good point about fixing those issues.
But as I talked to this guy I felt I was being condescended to and that his secret desire was to walk away from me so he didn’t have to listen to the girl talking. It also became clear to me that his concern was business, not homeowners being asked to shoulder an enormous debt. I did not come away happy with that encounter at all. Later, I wrote to him about another issue and he never replied. Never. He’s run for his office a couple of times since then and I assure you, I do not vote for this guy. He keeps getting elected though. If he hadn’t been such an asshole to me I would at least think his knowledge is helpful for the County. But people who are condescending assholes to women are often assholes in their lives of public service, too.
Headline in yesterday’s paper: “[Supervisor Name] Under Ethics Investigation”
He’s alleged to have taken private meetings with companies who donated to his campaign, in contravention of several regulations. I hope he did not do these things because that would be really shitty, but then again, a little searching around (in Pre AI days) made it clear this person is a Republican so he’s on brand.
Anyway, not surprised at all.
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