Category: Complaint Department
attack of the commas
Look, I’m all for the Oxford comma, but what the actual fuck is this dictation nonsense with random commas inserted everywhere? What’s the point of dictating a response only to have to spend more time editing than dictating? I might as well just type the damn response. Jesus. Dear Tech companies: Actually, you DO need…
Sometimes I Hate Tech
I hate it when tech throws an error message that makes no sense. I especially hate it when it’s for something that non-tech people use. Your average person trying to do something with software does NOT understand what to with your stupid error message that is meaningful only to the bro who wrote the message…
Protecting the Border
NOAA has been instructed to cease all contact with foreign nationals. The weather does not respect international law or borders, and NOAA needs to put a stop to that. What does the weather someplace that isn’t the US have to do with the US of A? Nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, I’m waiting for…
Ask an incomplete question . . .
Context matters. Don’t waste the time and effort of experts by asking a question without providing the pertinent facts. You won’t get helpful answers AND you will have wasted the time of everyone who responded. Jesus, people.
The Problem with Forums
The problem with groups and communities that serve some topic or subject that include a forum for members is that there is always someone who does not understand when a post should be made to the group and when it needs to privately go to whoever runs the group. Did you try clicking the link…