Back in the days when I was a web developer the community was all about the best design for users, use of white space, typography, what kind of menu, the best navigation scheme, how to make sure visitors could use your site without getting lost, getting eyestrain, or giving up.
Today, most companies seems to have fired their UX designers and replaced that position with a team whose mission is to ensure users are trapped on pages clicking multiple times to accomplish even the simplest tasks.
That’s how we know when tech is fucked up. Companies that do not care if users hate their site or can’t accomplish anything are shit companies creating fake engagement stats by trapping users in a terrible horrible no good interface.
Because users are not the customer. Ads are the customer. I gave up on Instagram years ago and I wouldn’t be on FB if I didn’t have to be for the other job. As it is, I am there once a week. That’s it. And every time I log out of that website it’s with a shudder and relief.
It goes without saying that I have never allowed FB on my mobile devices and I deleted Instagram from my phone in 2019.